Hello, I’m Dave Kesby and my passion is a desire that everybody is led well.
This means that we lead ourselves in the best way we can. That we lead others dynamically and compassionately. Ultimately, we all exist in a complex, relational field and I seek to enhance the relationships within those systems.
I led multiple teams in the Parachute Regiment of the British Army, before opting to leave to embark on a 20-year career in leadership and team development, including a role at Mercer.
After many years of working alongside and within teams, I noticed that something wasn’t quite right. The same solutions were being sold for the same problems over and over again. So, I recently published a book entitled ‘Extra-Dependent Teams, Realising the Power of Similarity’, where I explore a totally unique way of developing highly effective teams.
The communities I relate within are really important to me. From Scouts to a Community Choir! I bring fun and a personal touch to my work. I have a strong sense of who I am and with that, feel comfortable to challenge my clients to be the best they want to be.
My particular interest area is in ‘Challenging Talent’ or what some call ‘Problem Talent’. This is because I believe everybody has potential. Sometimes, we need a coach to support and challenge the behavioural change required of our system for us to flourish.
I help you live a more fulfilling life – at work and home. Imagine you at your best.
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